Silver Lining
                  ....our truest life is when our dreams awake (Henry David Thoreau)


Lorrie Gaudino-Skelly

     The adventures of life have taken me down some wonderful paths.  My primary path in life has, and always will be, my family.  My family is the most amazing gift my life will ever hold and it has brought me great joy to always be available and fully committed to them.  With my children now grown, I have the opportunity to discover a new path and follow my passion and love of art.  This is the Silver Lining, the blending of yesterday's joy with today's passion. 

    I discovered precious metal clay while I was at a kiln opening event. The event featured various pottery artists who opened their studios sharing experiences ranging from clay shaping to Raku firing. I was amazed to learn that one of the artists had sculpted jewelry from clay containing 99% silver. With the help of one of the potters (, I had the opportunity to experience working with Precious Metal Clay. Since then I have been enjoying making PMC creations.
    Watercolor and oil are the two mediums that I like to paint with. I began my first series of paintings as a way to tell the story of my husband’s deployment to Afghanistan with the United States Army.  I worked on this series while he wrote his book: "A Soldiers Tale" (  A portion of the sales of these paintings go to support Chapter 7 of the Disabled American Veterans.  I also have made an eagle pendant called,"Freedom Eagle", and a portion of these sales also go to the Chapter 7 DAV.